Recent content by cdmeggers

  1. C

    First aids?

    I was almost 3 when I got my first hearing aids. Had meningitis when I was 2 which caused my deafness. Took a while to get me properly tested as it was in then 80's and yeah.
  2. C

    Loops, etc offers free shipping for anything you order through their site. Harris Communications has the NoizFree and Hatis Epic ear hooks on their site too, but you have to pay for shipping.
  3. C

    Dog ate my hearing aid

    my first dog got a hold of my hearing aid once.... but she destroyed the earmold, not the hearing aid. And I've had a cat or 2 that would play with my hearing aids when I was a kid too.
  4. C

    How many hearing aids (and/or CIs) do you wear?

    CI in left, HA in right. Stopped wearing HA in left ear in 4th grade as I got nothing from the HA.
  5. C

    How often or how many hours do you use your aids?

    My CI is on all day usually. HA, I play with it off and on during the day (I like to get CI only practice in too). Before CI, my HA was on all day from the moment I'm ready to head out to work until I'm ready to go to bed.
  6. C

    Loops, etc

    I prefer the earhook for my hearing aid. It sounds better, since it's at the ear with the hearing aid and not around the neck.
  7. C

    What hearing aid batteries do you like/use?

    I usually buy the Walgreens brand 675's. Lasts as long as Rayovac's for me it seems.
  8. C

    What is your hearing aid's brand?

    Phonak Naida IX UP! and it's red.
  9. C


    have tinnitus in the right ear on a daily basis. Have had it for years and years. The sound changes, sometimes it's a ringing, buzzing, sirens, etc. It's crazy. Sometimes I even feel like I'm in a sound booth during a hearing test because the tinnitus will mimick the tones/beeps from the...