Should you take the latest fitting software or firmware updates?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2023
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New version of fitting software becomes available; should you update your version?
imo; Yes, you should take the latest fitting software updates. Many times they include Bug Fixes! You should want that.

Safety Tip: Save each version of your fitting software installer packages. If a new update were to cause problems, then just uninstall the last version and reinstall the previous version. Don't worry about your client database when installing, uninstalling, or taking updates to a later version. Your standalone client database will still be intact/unchanged. That is, unless you use Revo or some other type of uninstaller to intentionally erase it!

Firmware update; use caution before proceeding with updating your hearing aid firmware?
You should be cautious about updating your hearing aid firmware. A firmware update is akin to replacing the brain of your hearing aids. You need to be careful! You should find out first, about what changes are in the firmware update? You may not even need it (in that case don't take it).

Try to avoid rushing to be the first group users to accept firmware updates. Maybe you can wait until the firmware update has a safe track record. Some firmware updates may directly address a problem that you already have. You probably want to take the update when it addresses "your" problem.
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Thanks for all informations
Can i ask? Is there any standard software that works with most brands of hearing aids?
Actually, it is very complex. Please read a → DIY School (v2.2) PDF File named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software)
Is it possible to try out a new firmware version and then switch back to a previous firmware version - i.e. upgrade and downgrade firmware versions?
Hi @JSnoke Welcome.
Which device are you thinking about? For hearing Aids?... For Noahlink Wireless?

In general firmware updates are not easily reversed!! a firmware update fixes a specific problem, and if you suffer from that specific problem then you should want to take that update

For new hearing aids they may take one of more firmware updates to shake out the bugs. Don't be anxious to take firmware updates unless you suffer from the problem. Your hearing aids may not be affected by the problem (for example, a problem affecting streaming phone calls when you don't use that streaming feature). So it may be best to wait and let others test the new firmware first before you update your firmware.

For Noahlink Wireless the firmware update from to 2.24 is dubious? And, until recently was not reversable. But now it is reversable. Here's a clip from a DIY School PDF File named (Noahlink Wireless - DIY User Guide);

Noahlink Wireless Firmware Updater

Careful: An incomplete Firmware Update for whatever reason (power failure, etc) can brick the device being updated. I don’t know of any problems that have been resolved using these, except the v.2.23 is generally used to recover from connection problems caused by upgrading to v.2.24.
  • NLWUpgrader223 v.2.23 Available upon Request
  • NLWUpgrader224 v.2.24 Available from this → HIMSA Link
For more (online information) about Noahlink Wireless click this helpful HIMSA link; Noahlink Wireless FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions or this link to Noahlink Wireless User Guide and also this link to Noahlink Wireless 2 User Guide.
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