The False-Rumors about Melware ←(Sic) on another forum are Not Gone!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2023
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The False rumors forum-posts on another forum about Melware ←(Sic) in the fitting software have been deleted/cleaned-up. And not by the original author. I know this because I intentionally waited past the ninety-day self-delete capability to expire, before voicing my complaints. Therefore the original poster was prohibited from deleting the posts after ninety days.

This being cleaned up is good news for the HoH-Community. We have enough disinformation to sort through without extra disinformation coming directly from HoH-Community members. Hopefully this means that the same false rumors sent via PM/Private messaging will also be eliminated? I believe the bulk of this disinformation was distributed via PM/Private messaging.

Later this week, I will take down my (visible to logged-on members) obnoxious Signature-Line warning other HoH-members about the false rumors, and hopefully we can get past this--at which time I may revisit and sanitize this topic.
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There was no basis in the claims. He had no idea how to process the information before him. Not sure why his behaviour is tolerated at that site.
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Hah! The false rumors about (virus/melware +corrupt files) are not actually gone!
The false rumors have moved into individual private messages/PMs/DMs
as in the example below (circa 2024-Q2).

A word-to-wise-newbies, you need to ignore these false rumors. It's not true.
Ask yourself why it's a PM/Private message instead of a public forum post?
Or even better, ask tenkan in-an-open-forum-post about his (virus/melware +corrupt files) warning?
HaHaHa, I dare you! :cool: :cool:

Here's a copy of the PM/Private Message false rumor.
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