Connexx Signia/Siemens Fitting Software


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2023
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In the first DIY School Hearing Aids PDF file (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software) you will find documentation about Legacy vs Current versions of Connexx. You will also find a suggested procedure for obtaining the fitting software. Here's a clip below from DIY School. Though as always, you are best served by reading the DIY School PDF file itself because it is maintained to be up-to-date whereas forum posts (this post included) are not kept up-to-date.

Connexx6.5.5/SiFit6.10 for Signia older/legacy is not readily available. The hearing aid names are (Motion, Life, Pure, Aquaris, Eclipse, iMINI, Explorer, Nitro, Intuis, Phoenix G3, Lotus).

Connexx7.5.2/SiFit7.5.1 for Signia intermediary/legacy is not readily available. The hearing aid names are (Carat bx, Pure bx, Pure mi, Ace bx, Ace mi, Motion bx, Motion mi, Life mi, Aquaris mi, Insio bx, Insio mi, Nitro mi, Orion 2, Orion, Sirion 2, Sirion). Note: This special intermediary version has an Updater but there are no updates for this version so you might as well choose the (do not activate Update Manager) option. Also this special intermediary version cannot co-exist with the Newer/Current version described immediately below.

Connexx9.9.0/SiFit9.9.0 (or latest) for Signia Newer/Current is not readily available. The new hearing aid names (subject to change/additions) are (Styletto, Styletto X Styletto AX, Styletto Connect, CROS, Pure C&G AX, Pure 312 AX, Pure C&G X, Pure 312 X, Pure 312 Nx, Pure 13 Nx, Pure 10 Nx, Intuis 3, Motion 13 BT primax, Motion primax, Active, Silk X, Silk Nx, Insio C&G AX, Insio Nx, Isio primax). This list of supported hearing aids will likely have future updates.
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i do install it again and try to update the connexx 7 to version 8 but it didn't pass.
where i can find connexx 8 version to try it ?
i try the old version 7 u sent and conexx 9.11 not support i think its conexx 8 version can i get it ?