Pairing issues


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May 9, 2024
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Good afternoon,

I downloaded harmony II software to my computer and it installed no issues. I purchased a noahlink wireless as well and successfully installed the driver to computer. The issue I'm having is its not finding my hearing aids when I try to connect to them. Any suggestions?
Noahlink Wireless is not for "all" hearing aids. Which hearing aids do you have?
It may be locked?

Do you have a link to an image of the hearing aid? Or a picture of your hearing aid that you can post?

Can you ask your Miracle Ear Audiologist if it is locked?
They are like this


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Thanks, I am guessing it's a ReBranded Signia and I don't know if it requires using Harmony II software or use (Connexx with SiFit database and the unlock code)? Read a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids);

The hearing aid model doesn't seem to be in the HmyII9.0.8ME9.0.5 software;

When I go into the audiologist I see them use the harmony II and the noahwireless. Do I maybe need to use a different version of the software? They are from miracle ear
Maybe? But I don't know where to get it (at this time)?
If Harmony II follows a version number pattern similar to Signia then 9.0 is much older than Signia Connexx 9.11.

Yep, that may be the problem. Maybe the HmyII9.0.8ME9.0.5 fitting software we have is too old.
I know it's the newest hearing aid miracle ear offers right now..just my luck im tired of constantly going to the audiologist to have them adjusted and we can't get them right.


Do you feel brave enough to ask your Audiologist for a copy of the software? :cool:
Sorry, I had another question. I was wondering if it is a rebranded signia device you think the connexx 9.11 will possibly work?
No I don't think that (Connexx 9.11.15/SiFit9.11.15) for Signia Newer/Current will work, otherwise they would not have built the Rebranded version of the software (HmyII9.??ME9.??). Though, it might be useful to load (Connexx 9.11.15/SiFit9.11.15) and peek at the various RIC Hearing Instruments and perhaps determine which Signia model is the equivalent model? Check your PM/Conversation for how to find (Connexx 9.11.15/SiFit9.11.15) for Signia Newer/Current.
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This is what I'm getting when trying to pair with the connexx software.


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Thanks for the hearing aid detection image. Oh, btw. There is no "pairing" involved. Here's a clip from a DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF File named (Noahlink Wireless - DIY User Guide);

How to connect the Fitting Software to your Hearing Aids?

Again; this is Bluetooth Low Energy/BLE, which is not the same as BlueTooth used in cellphones and such. So forget about typical pairing. There is no pairing involved. Instead you need to Connect. But first choose a device location with a clear line-of-sight to the hearing instruments and away from interfering wireless sources (WLAN, streamers).
  • In your fitting software you will need to Select or Specify that Noahlink Wireless is to be used as your programming device. Your fitting software may be defaulting to a different programming device. So check this first.
  • Prepare the hearing aids to enter fitting mode. This is accomplished with an off-on cycle of the hearing aids. For disposable battery models open and close the hearing aid battery doors. For rechargables apply a very long button press for off and repeat for on. Or, place them in your charger and then remove them in order to turn the hearing aids off and on.
Ok. Should I do this in the harmony II software or the connexx? Also I have a wireless USB connected to computer for wifi to work and the noahlink next to each other. Do you believe that might be causing interference? Thanks again you been very helpful.
Use the Harmony II software (when/if) we can find the latest version. Good luck with that.

Just be aware of interference and move Noahlink Wireless so that it has a clear line-of-sight to your hearing aids as opposed to hiding it behind other wireless devices.

Don't walk away from Noahlink Wireless during communications to the hearing-aids-in-your-ears, especially during a hearing aid firmware update as this could brick your hearing aids.
The crucial piece you need is the current Harmony database of hearing instruments. But, since the two pieces are usually found together in one download you might as well look for both the database and Connexx 9 together.

Here's a clip from DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF file named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software). It may help explain the relationships between Connexx and various databases (SiFit, RexFit, plus many others).

CLIP follows;
Connexx Software Connexx has two distinct parts:
  • Connexx Software
  • Hearing Instrument/HI Database
Siemens/Signia HI requires the SiFit HI database. There are different versions of each database (old/legacy and new/current) and you can usually find both versions you need in one download. If you need to use it for Signia HI, install the version with the SiFit HI database. If you want to use it for Rexton HI, install the version with the RexFit HI database.

Note that Connexx was rewritten as Connexx 8 (circa 2016), so the Connexx 8 version is the dividing line between the old/legacy version and the new/current version. You may encounter multiple old versions and multiple current Connexx versions. Generally, you will need either the last old version or the latest current version, depending on your hearing aids.Connexx 8 also adds an update program to the Windows system tray to keep the software up to date. However, due to a malfunction in the updater program, Connexx 8.5.3 is unable to receive additional updates through the updater program, so you may need to manually update this version. Please note that there are other (more infrequently used) versions of Connexx (Hansaton, Electone, Miracle Ear, etc.). For less commonly used versions, please use the hidden software instructions suggested at the end of this document.

If you want to use both versions of Legacy/Connexx (Siemens/Signia and Rexton), install both versions. When the installation is complete, you will have two HI databases and one Legacy/Connexx6 executable. You can select which HI database you want to use from the Manufacturer drop-down menu and then select Siemens or Rexton; however, for new/current versions of Connexx, you will have two HI databases and two separate Connexx executables.
I keep trying to connect my hearing aids but no luck. I believe it finds them but it says hearing aid not detected. I'm guessing is because the model is not in the software. Thanks


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Use the Harmony II software (when/if) we can find the latest version. Good luck with that.
Yep, we need to find a later version of Harmony with a database that includes your newer model.
  • And, we cannot find it today, and maybe not tomorrow.
  • It is not going to be easy to find!
  • ReBranded hearing aids are not meant to be programmed by us peasants. ;)