Aura:fit Vista 5.5 Models: Vista V, Vista B, Vista DX, Vista D, Vista Basic, Vista T, Vista N and Vista


例如,Aurafit Relate 的零售点是 →United Health Care医疗保险。我相信这种品牌重塑关系仍在继续。

您说的 "升级选项 "是指将软件升级到更新/较新版本的选项吗?
Oh (File/Software Updates). I hadn't noticed that before. But if you click it then there are not updates. See image below.

Let's see what TrueFit will do. Yep Unitron TrueFit has the same (File/Software Updates) with no updates. Maybe that is TrueFit's version of the Updater as opposed to running the Updater in Windows Sys Tray.

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Oh, funny thing happened; I tried to run Unitron TrueFit while I was running AuraFit/Relate and it said another instance was already running. I'm guessing it's because all of the ReBranded versions are actual TrueFit code installed with a separate MSI install package.
Also, Phonak Target does something similar. The → Phonak Target Update page is gone (all of it, gone) when you enter a lock code during install. I'm not sure if it is for all lock codes, or just some lock codes.
I think I should describe this anomaly in the DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2) PDF file named (Unlocking ReBranded Hearing Aids). But I almost don't know what to say, except that sometimes when you use a pin-code to unlock certain ReBranded hearing aid models, then you may lose the ability to take future fitting-software updates. :eek:

Update done, it says; Anomaly: as pointed out by HoH-community members @sajjad and @menglxs in these → forum posts, forum posts; Sometimes when you use a pin-code to unlock certain ReBranded hearing aid models, then you may lose the ability to take future fitting-software updates. We have noticed this with Phonak Target and Unitron TrueFit.
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