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  1. D

    How are you? **The random thread**

    I'm doing ok....lots of personal shit going on in my life..,but I'm a holding my head up high and being strong..
  2. D

    Game: Continue the Dialog (aka Party Line)

    Almost too familiar...till I realized he wasn't a man at all...but Big bird from Sesame Street......I really must lay off the
  3. D

    Loops, etc

    Where is the best place to get ear hooks?
  4. D

    Game: Continue the Dialog (aka Party Line)

    That sock monkeys can make even the most frumpy people ..........
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    Game: Continue the Dialog (aka Party Line)

    Has a barbie doll collection
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    Game: Continue the Dialog (aka Party Line)

    in a pair of skinny jeans
  7. D

    What hearing aid batteries do you like/use?

    I have 675's.. and use powerones.. or walgreens brand.. .. or what ever my husband picks up for me..*L*
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    How often or how many hours do you use your aids?

    I wear them mostly all day when I am awake, but when I am alone like on a day off.. or just need a noise break I take them out
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    How many hearing aids (and/or CIs) do you wear?

    I wear two hearing aids... one in both ears, although my left ear .. I don't get much help at all.. :(
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    What is your hearing aid's brand?

    I have Phonak Naida's right now.. They are ups and V's.. :P borning flesh color with nail sticker on them now. I have Blue phonak unas as my back ups, which oddly enough have found the sound to be more crisper and I been wearing them more and more lately
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    Mine is almost 24/7 loud ringing in my ears...gets on my nerves A LOT.. but I have learned to tune it out.. and it is less noticeable when I have my aids in and I am busy "listening" .. to the world.. but when my ears are out.. it is there and drives me nuts