Hello, newbie here, shopping for aids


New Member
Sep 26, 2014
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Just found your site and in initial stages of buying aids. Had the Dr. visit and audiologist tests. Prices are Mild to Wild. First choice is the BTE (RIC) type. Both ears. Considering Rechargeable vs regular battery type. I have not tried any yet and will attempt some local suppliers to see what is available. Should be able to try different types and determine my preference. Open to suggestions?
Do you have any insurance?? If you do, try this website TruHearing dot com, I saved a lot of money on my resound Linx9s.. Good Luck or try Costco they have a selection with a 90 day trial.
I too would try Costco if one is nearby. I know a couple people who have used rechargeable's and have had problems making it thru the day without them pooping out after about 9 months to a year. The cost for the rechargeable batteries is about the same as regular HA batteries when spread out over a years time.