New to hearing aids also


New Member
Jul 31, 2020
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A "friend" who works in the business is already telling me to get a Widex 440 with him - "the best" and I will happen to be visiting his area for a class reunion. Normal price is $6800 but with Friends and Family $5000. I know I need HA's because I definitely have high frequency hearing loss having worked as a dentist for 35 years.
I've yet to get a hearing test, the friend I haven't seen in a long time lives nowhere close to me and I've seen these online for significantly less expensive.
I asked him , " what if I need adjustments ". He said no problem because I can adjust it with my iPhone. I'm not comfortable with this.
might wanna look for another audi, that doesn't sound like a friend too and with that price??? that's just a total WTF *just a tip from me*
(also tech is better these days too so you're missing out)