Replacement Analog aids


New Member
Oct 16, 2016
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I'm looking to replace or back up my Starkey analog aids It looks like these should be super power hearing aids, but not the latest digital aids as the digital aids don't seem to allow the large amount of volume adjustment I need in the course of the day. I also live with someone who is also HOH but won't even get a hearing test, so when they have a television on its gets louder and louder.Conversely, when I can't understand them - - they become embarrased getting softer and softer. I'm finding the analog aids are disappearing, as are the early digital aids which mimic their simplicity. I see online listings for these aids as new with packaging labeled for the Asian market. Are they legitimate liscensed versions of the North American/European companies as labeled? I should also note that I simply can't afford the new digitals.
Hello there,

I've tried digital hearing aids in the past and don't like them, so I stick with analog ones (Oticon PerSonic). Since they are becoming rare, what I do is go to Ebay and set it up so that I get notified of newly listed analog hearing aids. So far I've collected 4 and they are are in excellent condition.

Maybe you can do something like that if you want to stick with analog hearing aids.

If I may ask, what's your budget like for a new digital hearing aid? Maybe I can help you locate one at a great price. PM me for details if you'd like to know more.

Good luck.
Replacement Aids Arrived + another question

Thanks for help - - I ordered a new pair of Siemens Lotus 23 SP BTE's from a seller in India. At least as of September, they were still be made for that market. They traveled from near Delhi to Mumbai where they sat for a while as the seller exceeded his credit limit with the shipper.They arrived here yesterday in partially crushed boxes; but the aids, accessories, and their containers were intact - - the BTE's seem to be functional. The included soft ear pieces didn't fit my ears well enough to make adjustments in the analog-like controls, (the tiniest adjustment screws I've ever seen). So, I'm going to have to wait to receive my new earmolds to give a full review.
What type of earmolds would be best at eliminating most feedback? I can't turn my Starkey A675's up very far, as I get feedback when I point my head down and when my muscles relax near the ear canal. My present ear molds are solid and made of two materials.The more rigid portion goes relatively deeply into my canal, and the more flexible portion fills my outer ear with a sort of locking tip up top. What type and what materials would best stay put and block the feedback?
Also, these new Siemens Lotus 23 SP's are new and come with a warranty. It looks like the warranty is designed to be activated by a HA dealer. Is there any way to activate it myself?