When is a new hearing aid platform actually "New"


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2023
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In other words, when does a new hearing aid platform equate to new Hardware/Chip/Processor? Not as often as you think!

They have to say it's a new platform! What do you expect them to say? it's the same as the hearing aid you bought three years ago except we have made some software improvements, Pfft.

Sometimes it's mostly marketing fanfare. But if you read between the lines then you can suss out what's new and what's not new. Though it can take a lot of effort! Quite some time in the past a manufacturer had one new model ready to be released. But only the one model was new. All the other models were identical in specifications to the previous platform. However new cases were available for the entire line of models so all of the models looked new. This even included two Costco models (Brio 2 and Brio 3) that were identical in specification except Sound Recover 2 vs the older Sound Recover.

Here below are links the Technical Specification documents and a line-by-line comparison of each feature listed in the old and new documents. As you can see, the new platform was (for the most part) same as the previous platform.

Documents used for comparison; Phonak Audéo V90 vs Phonak Audéo B90

Phonak Brio2
Phonak Brio3
AutoSense OS :
Calm SituationYesYes
Speech in NoiseYesYes
Comfort in NoiseYesYes
Speech in Loud NoiseYesYes
Speech in CarYesYes
Comfort in EchoYesYes
Additional programs :
Max. additional programs55
Speech in WindYesYes
Comfort in EchoYesYes
Speech in Loud NoiseYesYes
Speech in 360°YesYes
Speech in NoiseYesYes
Calm SituationYesYes
Comfort in NoiseYesYes
Acoustic phoneYesYes
Custom programYesYes
Streaming programs :
Max. streaming programs44
Bluetooth audio + micYesYes
Bluetooth phone / DECT + micYesYes
RemoteMic / RogerYesYes
Audio jackYesYes
Features :
SoundRecoverYesSoundRecover 2
User Preference TuningYesYes
Real Ear SoundYesYes
Fine tuning Channels2020
auto AcclimatizationYesYes

And a clip to show platforms from a DIY School Hearing Aids PDF file named (Big-5 Platforms Chips-平台 芯片); Note that red release date equates to a new Chip/Processor.
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So do you think its the same as evolov and muse starkey?
No. Red release date = New Platform (imo / afaik)
  • Evolv AI (2021-Q3)
  • Muse iQ (2016-Q3)
If you view the actual DIY School Hearing Aids PDF File itself (Big-5 Platforms Chips-平台 芯片) then the blue links are clickable and will take you to the forum discussion where each hearing aid was announced. The blue links in this image below are not clickable because it is just an image!
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You are right. Very high technology rhan muse iq
As i understand i must have much channels such as evolov 20
imo; number of channels was a bragging point for older Legacy hearing aids, and is no longer mentioned for modern hearing aids.
Here's a link to → Starkey Pro Evolv-AI

...or view the actual DIY School Hearing Aids PDF File itself (Big-5 Platforms Chips-平台 芯片) then the blue links are clickable and will take you to the forum discussion, and inside the forum discussion you will find many other links.