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  1. L

    DIY School Hearing Aids (v2.2)

    Hi - just an FYI. I noticed something in the chips document, I've read the Oticon Real use the PolarisR platform. I don't know if that's enough of an upgrade to require updating the document though. This is a fantastic DIY resource! I appreciate the work it must take to put together and maintain!
  2. L

    New member, new wearer, learning to hear again.

    Thanks for the primer post! I've learned a lot of tricks over the decade since losing one side. It's been a struggle for for about 3 years as the remaining side is ageing. I'd noticed I wasn't enjoying hanging out with friends as I wasn't getting most of the conversation. It's nice to able to...
  3. L

    New member, new wearer, learning to hear again.

    Hey all! I have just taken the step to wearing hearing aids after my kid said "Dad! You're shouting!" at me in a restaurant. :( I'm happy see the support in these forums. I'm looking forward to DIY approach so I can fine tune as I learn what works and what doesn't with my fitting. Now, on to...
  4. L


    Coincidence? I hope so. I do have to feel for those losing their DIY due to this processor change.