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    Tinnitus + Hyperacusis

    Terost, please let me know how those work out for you. Bill
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    Tinnitus + Hyperacusis

    Thanks Terost. I've been taking Escitalopram for about three weeks now. Things started getting weird around the end of the first week but it seems to have settled in. Not sure it it has helped as I am working in a somewhat quieter environment than before, at least for now. I have another...
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    Tinnitus + Hyperacusis

    Hey everyone, I'll try to make a long story short. I've been to four different hearing DRs and am getting the same answer. I've had tinnitus for years and my hearing dc is between 40-70. About a year ago, I started to get what I was told is recruitment and it's got worse. Certain sounds seemed...
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    In case anyone else comes across this, I took some advise and found that stopping any kind of caffeine seems to help some. Not sure why and don't care, but it helps. Bill
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    Thanks again. I am reading anything I can find to help. Bill
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    I know I have tinnitus and can deal with that. I also have a hearing loss that I can deal with. What I can't deal with is this recruitment that makes anything over a low level noise seem to explode in my ear. Curious, do you have any recruitment problems without the hearing aid? I haven't done...
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    Thanks Loveblue. I've been dealing with this every way I can for some time. My ENT tells me there is nothing he can do and I can't find another DR even willing to look at it. It's driving me crazy, every day I have this huge noise in my left ear and anything I can hear is garbled at best. Louder...
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    Well thanks anyway. Best wishes. Bill
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    HI all, I'm Bill from Oklahoma. I've had ear problems for years but finally got it checked out the last few months. My ENT tells me that it's recruitment and there is nothing he can do. He says hearing aids may be able to help but from what I've read it's not a sure thing. Looking for advise...