Can the hearing aid and cochlear be dried by the way of heating?


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Nov 24, 2017
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The clothes can be dried by the way of heating, in fact, the way turns water into steam and the humidity in the room will increase a lot. When the temperature drops again, the air can't hold more water, then produces condensation phenomenon. This is the reason that in the winter we often find that there is a lot of water in the glass. Heating can only change the form of water, but isn’t truly desiccant! It is necessary to drain the water out of the hearing aid and cochlear, there will have a truly dry environment!

The precision electronic products as hearing aid and cochlear, can not be dried by the way of heating. There are five reasons:

1/ Heating only can turn the water into steam, As the temperature rises, the water vapor saturation water content becomes larger in the hearing aid and the outside of the cochlea. Is this in dehumidification or in a sauna?

2/ Hearing aid and the cochlear are precision electronic products, they are made of metal, rubber and plastic. Different materials of different thermal expansion and contraction deformation when heated, Large temperature changes, will accelerate the cracking, poor contact, etc.

3/ Heating can accelerate the aging and oxidation of some parts.

4/ Hearing aid and cochlear in the original storage requirement are "cool and dry". Heating is not contrary? People stay in that environment also can not stand.

5/ There are security risks. Just ask the senior staff of the industry, you can learn about the burning of hearing aids, cochlear accident case.

Therefore, the heating of the desiccant will only shorten the service life of your hearing aids and cochlear. Only physical moisture absorption can be used to reduce the moisture content in the air.

The hearing aid dryer from Suzhou Stay Dry Technology Co.,Ltd uses absorbent material with special formula. Physical moisture absorption under normal temperature and pressure. Special moisture absorption formula to suck out the moisture and chemically harmful gases from the hearing aid and cochlear surface.
Let your hearing aids has always been in accordance with the requirements of the original plant under the hearing aid dryer, in the best working condition.