Hearing Aid Issues?


New Member
Aug 4, 2018
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I’m an aspiring industrial designer from the Lafayette area, I’m currently working on a healthcare project involving hearing aids. My objective for this project is to provide a better solution to the device’s securing system for users who are high physical activity (sports). For this project, I’m looking to get a deeper understanding of the user, which may involve insights from an audiologist and also a questionnaire for user research that will last 5-10 minutes.
I would love to get some great feedback by Tuesday August 7, 2018. Thank you

My following questions are:

1) What are your top 3 concerns in regards to wearing aids?

2) Give me a breakdown of your day with the device?

3) Which type of activity do you engage in? Does it limit the use of your hearing aid and why?

4) How does this it impact other parts of your life?

5) What are you currently doing to fix this problem?

6) What do you look for as an user aesthetically and functionality wise?