What can I expect during my fitting?

Feb 7, 2018
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I hear getting a hearing aid is called a fitting but it doesn't come over night of course! Can someone tell me what the process is like please at least a little bit? I know there's a hearing test before hand though. The secretary explained about the test to me on the phone but that was it. Other than asking me what colours i want, or if i want dial or a button etc etc. I should have asked her more questions but didn't want to be rude and keep her on the phone for that long! She does know though I want one coloured as i mentioned in my introduction thread and said they have many many coloured choices! They just seem so cool and a bit more inviting! :) Also what will my first time be like wearing hearing aids? I know every user is different but just to see someone's story might give me a bit of an idea of what to expect.

She suggested a behind the ear but they will show options as they pretty much have to she said also my hearing loss is from previous tests 50 percent right ear 30 (I told her my range of hearing) percent left. I used to be nervous of getting hearing aids but now they're becoming very common! Be warned, I ask lots of questions! :)
well? it starts out with getting the new hearing aids on, adjustments etc! *also testing it to make sure it works good is a thing too*
Resurrecting this old thread about (What can I expect during my fitting?) in order to provide a new DIY School Hearing Aids answer. The DIY School Hearing Aids PDF file named (01 What to Expect for your First Fit) describes the typical steps for your first fit.

There is also a forum post of the same subject for those who prefer to read (and/or discuss) the subject as a forum topic. Here's a link to the HearingAidTalk forum post -> What to Expect for your First Fit
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HMm; This gave me a good idea. I am going to change the dorky DIY School Hearing Aids filename
  • from (01 Anatomy of the First Fit)
  • to (01 What to Expect for your First Fit)
Thanks to the OP/Original Poster/@WildlyColouredHearingAids even though you haven't been here for a while. ;)
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