Search results

  1. D


    Anyone use these with full earmolds? I have low frequency loss in one ear, but I'm wondering if I would be much more comfortable with a solid mold in that ear and a more open fit in the other. Anyone use either/or? Do they slip around? I only have experience with the crappy domes which...
  2. D

    Hearing aid Master List

    What do you have? What do you love? What do you hate? Do you how is it better/worse than previous aids? What are you thinking about getting in the future? I want the gnitty gritty. :eek:
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    Just wondering how many sign or want to learn? If ASL isn't your native sign language, please just answer using yours.
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    How are you? **The random thread**

    What's up? Whatchya doooin'??? I'm getting ready for big snowstorm tomorrow.
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    Loops, etc

    Can we talk about teleloops? I tried to do a ton of research before I bought mine and couldn't find very many useful threads so I thought we should start one. Earhooks, neckloop, etc? What do you use? How do you like it?
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    First aids?

    How old were you when you got your first aid/aids? Did you have hearing problems before that or was it fairly sudden? Just wondering......
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    Ok, I'll be first

    I'm feeling brave :) I'm Deanne. I'm in my 30's, married with two kids, 5 chickens, a German exchange student and 2 cats. My right ear has always been a mess. I had 3 surgeries and tubes by the time I was 12. After my last surgery my hearing tested out ok but by high school I realized it...