Save your Original Professional Settings (if any)


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2023
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Here's a clip below from a DIY School Hearing Aids PDF file named (02 How to Program Your Hearing Aids). You should save the original professional setting that are stored in your hearing aids first before making your own changes. Though as always, you are best served by reading the DIY School PDF file itself because it is maintained to be up-to-date whereas forum posts (this post included) are not kept up-to-date.

Step 4 – Save your Original Professional Settings (if any)
We as self-programmers, want to do something different for our very first session with HAs that were professionally fit and maybe also measured with REM. We want to save the current settings to our database without making any changes. This gives us the ability to revert back to the Original Professional Settings. During your very first fitting session use the settings from the HAs and then save the settings to both the hearing aids and the database without changing any of the settings. That’s it! You are done. Easy/Peasy, right? The first database session is now a copy of your Original Professional Settings.
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Is it necessary to save the settings back to both the hearing aids and the database? Wouldn't just the database be sufficient?
Yes, just saving to the database is sufficient.

However, If you read the DIY School Hearing Aids PDF file (02 How to Program your Hearing Aids) further it goes on to say that you will get a database/hearing-aid mis-match the next time you connect your hearing aids. So at some point you have to save to BOTH in order to eliminate the mismatch warning.

But keep in mind (when you do this) now your Audi will get a mismatch on your next visit and he/she will know that someone changed the settings.
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I wrote this long winded explanation in PM for another forum member a short while back. Thought I'd copy and paste it here in case @nanowiz finds it helpful.

The very first time you connect your hearing aids to Genie 2 with NoahLink Wireless, Genie 2 will detect that what you have on your aids is not the same as what the database settings are. So it'll tell you that and ask which database you want to load into the session? The one currently found in your hearing aids, or the one currently found in your profile (which you created). You want to make sure that you pick the one found in your hearing aids, then after it's done loading it into the session, exit and save the session. It'll ask if you want to save into the hearing aids and/or the profile database? Choose just the profile database.

Once saved and exited, reopen that same profile database for a new session and connect to your hearing aids again. This time, Genie 2 will see that what's on the profile database matches with what's on your hearing aids, so it won't complain and ask you to pick and choose which on to load to the session, because they're both the same. After you've made changes in Genie 2 in your second session, when you choose Exit and Save, you can tell Genie 2 to save that data with the changes made in the second session into both the hearing aids and the profile database again. The hearing aids will reboot after Exit and Save is done, with the new changes stored into your hearing aids.

Now you will have 2 sessions under your profile database. The first session is the one containing the original settings stored in your hearing aids. The second session contains the changes you made in Genie. Now if you open this second session saved in your Genie 2 profile database and connect to your hearing aids the 3rd time, it'll find that this second session data match with what's on your hearing aids, and you can make changes and eventually Exit and Save into session 3 for both the hearing aids and the database. And each time you do this, a new session 4, then 5 gets created. You can also add comments each time you Exit and Save to document what were the changes made for that session.

If you ever want to revert to a previous session, under Client, you can expand the Client out to observe the multiple sessions stored with your comments detailed in there. Now you can pick a previous session to open (all the way back to the original first session if you want). When it tries to connect to the hearing aids, it'll find that the version of the earlier (possibly two or more earlier) session that you just opened doesn't match with what you last saved onto the hearing aids, then it'll ask you which database you want to load into that upcoming session, what's on your hearing aids or what's on the database of that session you want to restore. In this case, you pick the database of the previous (two sessions or more) that you want to restore, and that's what will be loaded into the session. That is also how you revert to a previous session to undo the changes you made in your more recent session(s).

Note that you can wear your hearing aids after you connect it to Genie 2 so that you can hear the effects of the changes you make in a session. If you choose to have Genie 2 download the database from a session over what's stored in your hearing aids because Genie 2 found them to be different, then the settings in the database will be loaded not just into the new Genie 2 session, but it'll be loaded into your hearing aids as well so you can hear the same thing from your hearing aids. But this change, and all subsequent changes you may make in that sessions won't be stored permanently onto your hearing aids unless you select this option when you Exit and Save from that current session.
Thanks Mr V.
I also rewrote the DIY School Hearing Aids PDF file (02 How to Program your Hearing Aids) and I will post it here in a few minutes.
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Step 4 – Save your Original Professional Settings (if any)

Normally, you can proceed without getting a settings mismatch warning because your HA settings have a DateTimestamp that matches the DateTimestamp of the last database session. Also, you can proceed without a settings mismatch warning the first time connecting your HAs to the fitting software (with a new client) because your new database client has no sessions. At the end of each normal fitting session, the fitting software will give you a choice about where to save the current session’s settings?
  • In the hearing aids?
  • In the database?
  • Both the HAs and the database? Both is the standard choice, giving a standard result of your hearing aid settings always matching your last database session.
We as self-programmers, want to do something different for our very first session with HAs that were professionally fit and maybe also measured with REM. We want to save the original settings to our database. This gives us the ability to revert back to the Original Professional Settings. During your very first fitting session, use the settings from the HAs and then (immediately) save the settings to Both the hearing aids and the database without changing any of the settings. That’s it! You are done. Easy/Peasy, right? The first database session is now a copy of your Original Professional Settings.

However! There is an undesirable side effect of initially saving to Both. The procedure for determining whether the hearing aid settings match the database is based on DateTimestamp. Therefore, now that the hearing aids match your database, they will no longer match your Audi’s database. More on this eventual conflict with your Audi later...

After the first session, the procedure is the same, except you will be making some fitting changes. The fitting changes are always applied to the hearing aids immediately, and then at the end of the fitting session, choose the option to save the settings to Both the HAs and the database. This has the effect of over-writing the previous settings in your HAs and creating a new session in your database.

SETTINGS MISMATCH WARNING: Now let’s talk about tha pesky mismatch warning. Normally you begin each new fitting session by selecting a database client (automatically defaulting to that clients latest fitting session) and the fitting software connects to the HAs. Typically the hearing aid DateTimestamp matches the database DateTimestamp and you proceed normally without a warning.

If you ever get a settings mismatch warning or serial number mismatch, think carefully about which settings you want to use? If you are replacing lost HAs with new HAs, then will be stopped with a serial number mismatch and your database has the only copy of your settings. If you bought new hearing aids from EBay you will want to start with your database settings, not some random stranger’s settings in the hearing aids. Tip: If you buy a new computer you may need to use Export/Import tools to transfer your database client(s) to your new computer.

CONFLICT WITH YOUR AUDI: Your Audiologist will always know when someone has saved ANY settings to the hearing aids . Why? The mismatch-comparison is based on DateTimestamps, not the actual settings. When/if you return to your Audiologist, then your Audi will get the same settings mismatch warning. The warning will occur even if you revert back to the Original Professional Settings. There is no way around it except to never save any settings to the HAs, which defeats the entire purpose of self fitting. Here’s a -> Discussion Link. As consolation for your Audi; He/She can easily start from the Audi’s last database session. Maybe it’s best to have prior dicsussion about the situation.

A noteworthy by-product of the unusual mismatched-settings situation, when starting from the database settings (and not the hearing aids), is that the option for save-to-hearing-aids at the End-Fitting step will be selected and grayed out giving you no choice, because the hearing aids settings have already been overwritten at the beginning of the session.
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When you first connect your existing aids to Genie and select download from instruments, do you need to tell Genie what acoustic coupling (dome/mould/etc) is fitted, or does that come from the information saved in the aids? On my first connection I noticed that Genie showed different to what's fitted to my aids (it showed a bass dome on one ear instead of vented micromould) so I'm not sure if it's incorrect in the original program in the aids, or if Genie has selected what it thinks should be fitted, and if I should just change the selection before saving?

If you have not yet "saved" anything to the hearing aids, then the incorrect Acoustics (Bass Dome on one ear) originated from the original settings that were programmed into the hearing aids.

Ah, but you must be careful because the "Default" at Genie 2 END FITTING step is to Save and if you Click OK (without clearing the checkmarks to save ) then you can overwrite the hearing aid settings;

Have a look at your database sessions to see if you have unintentionally saved a session. You will need to click the expansion arrow to see all sessions;

Hi pvc, thanks for the quick reply!

I only followed your first steps of connecting existing aids for the first time to a new client in Genie: loading settings from the aids in the initial mismatch prompt, then immediately saving the settings as "original" without touching anything else, only that 1 session exists. I only noticed the acoustics when I next opened it, so I was quite surprised... The aids are Open S1 btw if that makes any difference to the info that's stored in them. I will have to try updating it now to see what it changes
HMm; Well, it is not unheard of to have mistakes in the Acoustics choices. It happened to me once when my audi set vent size different between the two sides. And that simple mistake was the beginning of a larger problem. That is, your changes for correcting the Acoustics will likely cause Genie 2 to perform a new RX/Prescription which will cause you to lose your REM adjustments (if any).

Did you have REM adjustments performed originally?
TIP: At Genie 2 FITTING Step take a picture of your (GAIN CONTROLS) before and after changing Acoustics.
Yes, it was 2/3 years ago I recall having the REM done (probes inserted with the aids etc), but I guess without being able to see the audi database I don't know whether that was done with the correct acoustic setting...
Thanks for the tip, I guess I could try changing and revert back if necessary, otherwise I will probably have to bite the bullet and find an audi..
Well REM is part of Best Practices for programming hearing aids. But it's not going to automatically result in the best hearing for each person, especially in this case where it seems like we have incorrect Acoustics. Some DIYers even prefer their own in-Situ measurements.
Oh, unless you accidentally changed the Acoustics before you recently saved (and I believe that you did not) then the original Acoustic setting mistake was in your hearing settings and also part of the REM measured results with that same Acoustic settings mistake.

Maybe try your own in-Situ measured settings, you can always revert back to original;
Genie 2 / Help / Help on Genie 2 / in-Situ